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FLAT 15% off | Code: KWEENS
FLAT 15% off | Code: KWEENS
FLAT 15% off | Code: KWEENS
FLAT 15% off | Code: KWEENS
FLAT 15% off | Code: KWEENS
HANNAN JewelryHANNAN Jewelry
your chance is 'today'

your chance is 'today'

A warm Friday morning, bright and shiny, sunbeams sparkled through the concrete lanes of the city of possibilities. Tucked in a quaint street in the charming Chelsea, was a cosy cafe named Grumpy. Contrary to it's name, the atmosphere was filled with inspiring energy and uplifting sounds of chatter and giggles. In it's secret garden was a table for four. 

From stumbling upon Icon Accidental, wishfully writing a (fan) mail, to sitting on that table for four had been quite surreal. Sitting across was a lady, Lyn Slater / The Accidental Icon, bubbling with positivity, dressed to perfection, kind enough to have met us to hear our story. With her sat Cal (Calvin), her partner, beaming with warmth, an artist turned photographer. The two hours that followed went by in a wink with an exhilarating exchange of life experiences, discussing New York City, fashion and everything that nestled within. 

A professor of law and social justice, Lyn's love for expressing herself and her thoughts through fashion and creating a strong personal identity by juxtaposing her favorite designers led to the inception of her blog. Being a connoisseur of Rei Kawakubo, Yohji Yamamoto and the likes, Lyn's aesthetic reflects her love for individuality in design. Besides fashion, her blog is a beautiful summary of the woman she is; accomplished, gentle, and passionate.

From Lyn and Cal we learnt that "now" is the chance you have to make a change, to take a risk, to dream, to work towards it's realization and to dream even bigger. The fire in their hearts to be living their passions in the city of their dreams radiated through their eyes.

Inspite of being such celebrated artists and professionals, their genuine enthusiasm to listen to our story and to initiate this very special relationship, has not only left us enriched but has instilled an inspiration in our hearts to constantly strive to become better people. 

Follow Lyn for her inspiring stories //

Accidental Icon Blog :
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